NMD206: Intent 3

Running with my previous post, I want to make a satirical animation designed with the intent to be shared in social networks. The video will be used to incite conversation and controversy about a specific issue. I want to design the project around something that can be easily related as well as local and personal. In class we discussed many students unrest as to how the modern college is structured. The point was brought up that we pay all of this money to go to school. Once we get there, we are told for our money this is what we get, if we do not like it…its our problem. Many, including myself, believe this should be reversed. We should pay and say this is what we want for our money…I want to learn this! I have decided to use this issue as my foundation. I will then design a short animation to raise questions about how are education is being structured and where the power should be.



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