Filed under NMD205

Approach: Movie Scene Redub

I based my approach from Anna Werner’s original intent of re-dubbing old films with new jargon and present day sayings. This approach will focus on one movie specifically as well as one specific aspect of the dialogue with in a certain scene. Anna’s idea spurred a memory of mine from when I was much younger. One of my favorite things to do was watch movies with my dad. The only problem was his taste in movies; needless to say I saw a few before I probably should have…(Silence of the Lambs, The Exorcist, Terminator, the list goes on…)

Anyways, one time in particular, we were watching ‘True Romance’ starring Christian Slater and Christopher Walken. There was one scene in which there was a large amount of violence and good bit of unsavory language used. This also happened to be the scene to which my mother walked into. Long story short, she lost her temper something fierce.

This memory brought forth the idea to re-dub the scene that got my dad into so much trouble back in the day. I want to remove all the curse words from the ‘Drexl Scene’ in True Romance and replace them with a comedic variable that best suits the given sentence. I think this would be interesting to see how it changes the mood of the scene as well as to see whether or not the scene can be carried out with any sort of new direction. There is no real political or moral motivation behind this project, simply a tribute to a man trying to show his son some fine cinema and the prices he paid for it. Below is the entire scene that will be manipulated.

Drexl Scene