Filed under Intent

NMD206: Release Content

The content of this release will be a short, satirical animation on how the education system we are involved with is structured. I hope to exemplify the unfair distribution of power through a metaphorical narrative called “The College Stand”. In the short, a character will walk up to the ‘College Stand’ and will pay the fee for college. Once payed the character running the stand will give the consumer no choice and tell him “this is what you get for your money” and that is that. The unsatisfied costumer will become disgruntled as he walks away from the stand. Deciding this is not fair and unjust, the character will build his own college stand. The next cut will be a new stand with the main character running things, a line of customers around the corner and the old stand completely barren. At the end, a short message may be displayed stating facts about our education and how we have the power to structure it for ourselves.

The purpose of an animation such as this, realistically, is to simply raise the thought. I believe too many students do not question or even understand how to get the most out of their education, seeing the university and its professors in a hierarchical structure sets them up to believe they are not the ones in charge…even though they are paying for it. If this simple video can get enough people start thinking about this concept then eventually the right questions may be asked that would start the reversal of the current power structure.

NMD206: Intent 3

Running with my previous post, I want to make a satirical animation designed with the intent to be shared in social networks. The video will be used to incite conversation and controversy about a specific issue. I want to design the project around something that can be easily related as well as local and personal. In class we discussed many students unrest as to how the modern college is structured. The point was brought up that we pay all of this money to go to school. Once we get there, we are told for our money this is what we get, if we do not like it…its our problem. Many, including myself, believe this should be reversed. We should pay and say this is what we want for our money…I want to learn this! I have decided to use this issue as my foundation. I will then design a short animation to raise questions about how are education is being structured and where the power should be.



Intent: Sidewalks Get Their Say Too

Going off of the discussions held in class (NMD206), this project could encompass many of the issues raised. We want to find out what students want or are missing in our majors as well as the university as a whole. One way of communicating this in a strong manner would be the use of sidewalk chalk. People walk the campus sidewalk everyday, almost without a choice…this would afford us the opportunity to be right in the communities face. Anybody on campus would be forced to acknowledge or at least notice the messages we would be trying to portray. We would use a mixture of cornstarch, food coloring and water as our medium as to not upset the school too much as well as a green means of execution. I would want to make large stencils of either graphic text or some sort of communicative image that could demonstrate the point issued.

Intent: Can You Hang?

I enjoy rock climbing very much. I climb about five or six days a week so I would consider it to be a large part of who I am…or at least something that helps define me. For an autobotographical art piece in which I would film myself climbing to a set parameter of holds on a rock wall. I would then have an interactive video program in which a user could hover the mouse over the hold that they would have me go to. Having filmed a move to each individual hold we would be able to write code to show the correlating move.

Intent: Visual Memory Reflection

Having been inspired by the ‘wear-cam’ from class I came up with an interesting idea for a new sort of autobiography. The idea is that someone would wear a much more practical recording device,(video or still). The user would go about their regular days, then later would have the option to edit out irrelevant information and situations to bring forward any meaning full or important events from the day, week, month ect. Once the ‘memories’ were edited the user could then add in a reflective segment for anything that warrants a reflection. In this way we would be bringing an autobiography onto many platforms, allowing people to gain a through-the-eyes-of perspective as well as the ability to then understand how the user was feeling, or what was going through their mind during the edited memory stream. A user could choose to keep up with this for as long as he or she cared to do so and would make a very interesting video-journal series.