The content of this release will be a short, satirical animation on how the education system we are involved with is structured. I hope to exemplify the unfair distribution of power through a metaphorical narrative called “The College Stand”. In the short, a character will walk up to the ‘College Stand’ and will pay the fee for college. Once payed the character running the stand will give the consumer no choice and tell him “this is what you get for your money” and that is that. The unsatisfied costumer will become disgruntled as he walks away from the stand. Deciding this is not fair and unjust, the character will build his own college stand. The next cut will be a new stand with the main character running things, a line of customers around the corner and the old stand completely barren. At the end, a short message may be displayed stating facts about our education and how we have the power to structure it for ourselves.
The purpose of an animation such as this, realistically, is to simply raise the thought. I believe too many students do not question or even understand how to get the most out of their education, seeing the university and its professors in a hierarchical structure sets them up to believe they are not the ones in charge…even though they are paying for it. If this simple video can get enough people start thinking about this concept then eventually the right questions may be asked that would start the reversal of the current power structure.