For this assignment, we were supposed to make an approach at automating our own or one of our peers ‘scores’ from the pool. I chose to work on Derrick’s ‘Appicture’ daily photograph project. My goal was to use pseudo code to write a program that could automatically generate a random assignment for the daily project. My idea is to create three separate arrays that contain various parameters, such as filter, lens and subject matter. The next step would be to create a statement in which a random element from each array is called to create an assignment template that can be switched out for each random selection.
//Assignment generator for ‘Appicture’
//This program generates assignment content. It describes the assignment in relation to three perameters with random values, it is up to the user to find lens, filter and subject matter to carry out assignment.
//Create arrays for all three perameters in assignment generator.
Lens= [telefoto, wideAngle, fishEye, macro];
//as many lenses as desired…
Filter= [sepia, blacknWhite, vibrant, stencil, burntPaper, hopenChange];
//as many filters as desired, all arrays can be updated and added to.
Subject= [family, friends, fun, emotion, entertainment, food, sports, architecture, socialEvent, weather, automotive, work]
//this array should be updated frequently to ensure user interest and activity.
//Get random values from each array.
Assignment= (“Take a photo of” +Subject “using a “ +Filter “and this” +Lens ”.”)
Graphic designed by Derek O’Brien: